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FATE is run by a 100% volunteer-based working board. We are strongly committed towards a more diverse board and we benefit from the contributions and efforts of our membership to implement these intentions. We encourage you to reach out to any existing board member to share feedback or to pursue further involvement with FATE. Should you be interested in joining the board, officers will be elected during the biennial conference. Nominations will be sought from FATE members. Additional write-in nominations will be permitted for each office. The election will be based on the majority vote of the entire membership; including members attending the conference and members unable to attend the conference. Click to view most recent election results.

2023-2025 FATE Board

Jaime Carrejo_FATE_edited.jpg
Jaime Carrejo

President | 1st term

Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design 

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Adam Farcus

VP of Communications | 1st term

University of South Florida

Binod Shrestha

VP of Development | 1st term

University of North Texas

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Shannon Lindsey

VP of Finance | 2nd term

University of Central Florida 

Dr. Daniel Barney

VP of Conference | Appointed

George Mason University

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Michael Kellner

Editor FATE in Review | Appointed

Columbus College of Art & Design

Jessica Mongeon

Social Media Coordinator | 1st Term

Arkansas Tech University

Kevin Kao

DEIA Representative | 1st Term

Furman University

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Meredith Starr

VP of Membership | 2nd term

SUNY Suffolk County

Community College 

Millian Giang Pham

VP of Regional Programming | 1st term

Auburn University

Gigi Polo

CAA Representative  | 1st term

The New School University

Neill Prewitt

SECAC Representative | 1st term

Georgia State University

2022-2023 FATE Board

President: Raymond Gaddy

VP of Communications: Libby (Elizabeth) McFalls

VP of Development: Kariann Fuqua

VP of Finance: Shannon Lindsey 

Co-VP of  Membership: Meredith Starr

VP of  Regional Programming: Jessica Burke (JB)

VP of  Conference: Jaime Carrejo

CAA Representative: Heidi Hogden

SECAC Representative: Adam Farcus 

FATE in Review Editor: Michael Kellner 

Social Media Coordinator: Elizabeth Folk 

2019-2021 FATE Board

President: Valerie Hanks 2019-2020 | Casey McGuire 2020-2021 (Interim)

VP of Communications: Libby (Elizabeth) McFalls

VP of Development: Guen Montgomery

VP of Finance: Casey McGuire 2019-2020 | Shannon Lindsey 2020-2021 (Interim)

Co-VP of  Membership: Colleen Merrill & Heidi Hogden

VP of  Regional Programming: Jessica Burke (JB)

VP of  Conference: Jessica Burke (JB)

CAA Representative: Lauren Kalman

MACAA Representative: Kariann Fuqua

SECAC Representative: Katie Hargrave 

FATE in Review Editor: Michael Marks 2019-2020 | Michael Kellner 2020-2021

Social Media Coordinator: Elizabeth Folk 2020-2021

2017 - 2019 FATE Board

President: Valerie Hanks 

VP of Communications:  Stacy Isenbarger 2017-2018 |  Libby (Elizabeth) McFalls 2018-2019 (Interim)

VP of Development: Raymond Gaddy

VP of Finance: Casey McGuire

VP of  Membership: Colleen Merrill 

VP of  Regional Programming: Jessica Burke (JB)

VP of  Conference: Andrew McCauley

CAA Representative: Naomi Falk

MACAA Representative: Guen Montgomery

SECAC Representative: Katie Hargrave 

FATE in Review Editor: Michael Marks

2015 - 2017 FATE Board

President: Stacy Isenbarger

VP of Communications: Greg Skaggs

VP of Development: Raymond Gaddy 

Secretary/Treasurer: Casey McGuire

Membership Coordinator: Colleen Merrill 

VP of  Regional Coordinator: Valerie Powell

VP of  Conference: William Potter

CAA Representative: Chris Kienke

MACAA Representative: Chris Olszewski 

SECAC Representative: Lily Kuonen

FATE in Review Editor: Mary Preis 

2013 - 2015 FATE Board

President: Stacy Isenbarger

VP of Communications: Greg Skaggs

VP of Development: Raymond Gaddy

Secretary/Treasurer: Rae Goodwin

Membership Coordinator: Colleen Merrill 

VP of  Regional Coordinator: Valerie Powell

VP of  Conference: William Potter

CAA Representative: Sara Dismukes

MACAA Representative: Chris Olszewski 

SECAC Representative: Brent Dedas

FATE in Review Editor: Mary Preis 

2011 - 2013 FATE Board

President: Scott Betz

VP of Communications: Jerry Johnson

VP of Development: Jesse Payne 

Secretary/Treasurer: Rae Goodwin

VP of  Regional Coordinator: Heidi Neff

VP of  Conference: Chris Kienke

CAA Representative: Sara Dismukes

MACAA Representative: Marlene Lipinski 

SECAC Representative: Stacy Isenbarger  

FATE in Review Editor: Kevin Bell

2009 - 2011 FATE Board

President: Scott Betz

VP of Communications: Jerry Johnson

Secretary/Treasurer: Jeff Boshart

VP of  Regional Coordinator: Jesse Payne

VP of  Conference: Jeff Boshart

CAA Representative: Steven Bleicher

MACAA Representative: Marlene Lipinski

SECAC Representative: Greg Skaggs 

FATE in Review Editor: Kevin Bell

2007 - 2009 FATE Board

President: Scott Betz

VP of Communications: Jerry Johnson

Secretary/Treasurer: Jeff Boshart

VP of  Regional Coordinator: Mary Stewart

VP of  Conference: Elizabeth Bilyeu

CAA Representative: Steven Bleicher

MACAA Representative: Barbara Giorgio-Booher  

SECAC Representative: Debra Ambush 

FATE in Review Editor: Kevin Bell

2005 - 2007 FATE Board

President: Barbara Nesin

VP of Communications: Jerry Johnson

Secretary/Treasurer: Jeff Boshart

VP of  Regional Coordinator: Kitty Kingston

VP of  Conference: Jan Feldhausen 

CAA Representative: Scott Betz

MACAA Representative: Barbara Giorgio-Booher 

SECAC Representative: Allison Denyar  

FATE in Review Editor: Lee Ann Garrison

For previous board membership lists:

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